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🏎️ Speed up your team's execution, ChatGPT 4, B2B Acquisition Channels, and Micro SaaS

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I want to help you solve a couple of critical problems. Here’s the full menu:

🆕 Event: How to Speed Up Your Team’s Execution and Innovation

📝 How To Use ChatGPT 4 to Build Your Brand, Grow Revenue, and Innovate

🤝 Should You Attend In-person Events to Do B2B Sales?

🎧 Acquiring and Operating Micro SaaS businesses with Kjael Skaalerud

Let's get into it!

Reserve Your Spot: How to Speed Up Your Team’s Execution and Innovation

Do you sometimes feel like implementing new ideas takes forever? You know, these inspiring, innovative ideas that you and your team are really excited about, but that get stuck in planning, overthinking, or risk aversion mode?

Many teams fall into that innovation swamp. And it hurts.

The thing is, fast execution is a superpower. It differentiates the great from the not-so-great companies. It allows you to pivot, launch new features or products, and innovate faster than the competition.

If you want to speed up your team's execution, mitigate risks, and scale with intention, you’ll want to join our upcoming free webinar on Thursday, May 16th. I’ll cover concrete strategies and tools, growth experimentation, and evidence-based innovation tactics that will help you:

  • Accelerate your time-to-market
  • Reduce risks of new ideas
  • Boost confidence in your solutions

Whether you just launched a startup or are leading a larger company or team, you'll walk away with practical methods for implementing minimum viable tests to gather swiftly crucial data points. This will completely change how you approach new ideas and implement innovation.

Whether you're racing to keep pace with market demands or revving up your team's innovation engine, this webinar will equip you with the tools to turn roadblocks into major growth opportunities.

If you can’t make it on that day/time, register anyway to get the replay!

Secure your spot now!


Must-Read: How To Use ChatGPT 4 to Build Your Brand, Grow Revenue, and Innovate

How To Use ChatGPT 4 to Build Your Brand, Grow Revenue, and Innovate

Generative AI is taking the world by storm – but are you using its full potential for your business while avoiding pitfalls? In our latest article, I share my top strategies for using ChatGPT 4 to:

  • Craft compelling brand messaging
  • Generate fresh content ideas
  • Provide instant customer support
  • And more!

I also share some words of caution to avoid being penalized by Google for using AI tools for content creation. Using tools like ChatGPT 4 requires some time investment.

Start now to build your brand, boost revenue, and blaze new trails.

Read the full article



Should You Attend Events to Do B2B Sales?

I recently came back from a whirlwind few days at Hannover Messe, a massive tech and industrial fair in Germany. The goal? Build our sales pipeline and get back into the in-person event game.

If you’re wondering if attending in-person events is a good acquisition channel for B2B sales, let’s me share my experience.

Clocking 13km a day wandering the event, here’s an overview of my strategy and key learnings.

Targeted Approach

Hannover Messe is huge. To make the most of my time, I spent a couple of hours on the morning of the first day to assess the lay of the land and identify the most interesting halls. I decided to focus on the startup hub, country-based sections, and industry-specific halls.

Since we help B2B startups and scaleups develop solid GTM strategies, sustainable growth systems, and strong market positioning, I spent most of my time talking to these types of businesses and multipliers, i.e. accelerators, industry associations, universities, and incubators.

Discovery Meetings

Instead of approaching my meetings with the “commission breath” and try to close a deal, I asked the types of questions you would ask in a discovery call:

  • Where are you in your development stage?
  • What are your top three goals for the next 6-12 months?
  • What kind of problems you must overcome to reach those goals?
  • Have you already tried solutions to address those challenges?
  • What is it costing you to do nothing?
  • Are you planning to invest to fix those problems?

If I saw that we could help them and they showed interest, I gave them a short pitch of what we do and offered to follow up after the event.


I’m quite satisfied with the trip. But the outcomes went beyond just generating leads.

  • Over two days, I was able to gather 35 good leads. My target was 15 per day. Since the people I met were mostly there to sell and promote their products, their buying intent was relatively low.I’m expecting a mid-term sales cycle and conservatively low conversion rates on those leads. It’s a great starting point to build our brand, relationships, and nurture them into future clients.
  • I’m expecting to collect another 10-20 more leads from the connections I built with multipliers.
  • I met interested potential partners with selected incubators and accelerators and was able to expand our investors network by adding two now angle investors/VCs.
  • I learned about new tech developments, applications, and key trends. It allowed me to see impressive advances in quantum computing and cleantech for instance.

Overall, Hannover Messe was a good time and money investment since I’m expecting to close deals that will deliver a good ROI on my participation. However, not all events have the same quality and quantity of prospects.

If you're considering using in-person events as an acquisition channel, remember to:

  • Pick the events carefully
  • Have a structured approach
  • Set clear lead targets
  • Adopt a discovery call strategy
  • Follow up after the event

If you need help figuring out the best acquisition channels for your business, schedule a call with me. You'll get a short audit of your current approach and an action plan that you'll be able to start implementing right away.

Claim your action plan!


Acquiring and Operating Micro SaaS businesses with Kjael Skaalerud

Scaling Success: Acquiring and Engineering Growth in Micro SaaS with Kjael Skaalerud

I recently sat down with Kjael Skaalerud, President of Skaling Ventures. He decided to carve his niche away from traditional VCs an Private Equity funds and decided to acquire and grow micro SaaS companies.

Kjael's contrarian approach focuses on small, profitable, and enduring businesses rather than chasing larger, venture-backed companies that often prioritize growth over profitability.

We covered quite a bit:

  • How to identify acquisition opportunities
  • Strategies for jumpstarting growth post-acquisition
  • Common pitfalls to avoid when scaling

We also covered the teachings of Bruce Lee, Mark Roberge, Ray Dalio, and the Mandalorian (never thought I would put them all in the same sentence).

If you're in the SaaS space or looking to expand your portfolio, this is a must-listen. Tune in and soak up Kjael's hard-won wisdom.

Listen to the full episode

Need help building your Webflow Website?

Stun and Awe - Webflow Experts

Do you have a functional website for your SaaS business? Or need a prototype in Figma?

If you are still working on it or need a revamp, our team builds intuitive websites on top platforms like Webflow & Framer. We'll help you generate inbound leads and increase engagement with your business.

We’re certified Webflow experts. We can create a prototype in Figma and implement your website on top platforms such us Webflow & Framer. Get in touch if you need help building a slick, user-centric website.

Request a quote!


There you have it – your monthly dose of innovation fuel. If you're fired up and ready to put these insights into action, I'd love to hear from you.

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