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🚀 Bring Ideas Faster to Market, Join our Next Cohort, and AI-Powered Marketing

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There are a handful of concepts and people who have radically changed how I think about and run businesses. They all “fixed” mistakes I repeatedly made:

  1. I went too big, too fast with new features, projects, strategies wasting time, money, and energy.
  2. I went in alone trying to figure it all out by myself.
  3. I was too slow to adopt new technologies and methodologies

If you’re guilty of the same mistakes, I wanted to share three powerful ways to accelerate your growth and bring your groundbreaking ideas to market faster.

Let's dive in:

🚀 Reduce risk and time-to-market with minimum viable tests (MVTs)

🌱 Join a cohort to bring your seed or Series A startup to the next level

🤖 Use AI and automation tools to improve content creation, deepen customer insights, and boost social media

🚀 Reduce Risk and Time-to-Market with Minimum Viable Tests (MVTs)


As entrepreneurs, we're always eager to launch new products and features. But rushing to market without proper validation can lead to costly mistakes and wasted resources. That's where Minimum Viable Tests come in.

MVTs are not a toy designed for pre-seed startups. I think they should be the norm in all teams and companies no matter their size.

In my latest article, I share how MVTs can help you:

  • Gather crucial data points swiftly
  • Validate your assumptions and mitigate risks
  • Boost confidence in your solutions
  • Accelerate your time-to-market

With MVTs, you can completely transform how you approach innovation and bring ideas to market faster, with less risk. Whether you're a startup founder, an SMB leader, or a corporate innovator, check out the full article on how to bring ideas faster to market and use MVTs.

🌱 Join Our Next Cohort: For Seed and Series A startups

Pictures of the program coaches.

I talk to startup founders every day. Some are overconfident, others are full of doubts. Most of them need help though, and not just in the form of a big fat VC cheque.

There are free resources and all VCs say that they provide more than money, but 9 out of 10 startups don’t make it their 5 years.

We designed this live remote program to help Seed and Series A startups reach the next level and build a strong foundation for sustainable growth.

The program will help you:

  • Learn to make smart, strategic decisions even when the pressure is on.
  • Design and implement strategies that boost market fit and attract more customers.
  • Build a solid financial plan for a healthy cash flow and successful fundraising.
  • Optimize processes and align the team to keep everything running like clockwork.
  • Develop leadership skills that inspire your team and create a productive vibe at work

Hurry up though, we only accept 10 startups. You have until August 20th to apply!

Apply now

Can You Keep Up and Effectively Use GenAI in Marketing?

AI-powere Marketing course banner

Every day, there’s a new tool, new model, new feature. Most people approach Generative AI the wrong way. They look for shortcuts, instead of looking at the bigger picture.

AI will continue to evolve quickly. Instead of chasing the next cool prompt, learn to integrate AI in your sales and marketing efforts and get results.

That’s what we help you do in our AI-Powered Marketing Course. We teach you how to leverage the power of AI to drive better sales and marketing results and save you a ton of time.

You'll learn to:

✅ Create high-quality, engaging content at an unprecedented pace

✅ Automate content creation and distribution for your blog and social media

✅ Use ChatGPT, Zapier, Notion,, and social media scheduling tools to automate your processes

✅ Leverage AI to research your target customers and strengthen your brand

✅ Use AI-driven analytics to make data-backed decisions for growth.

Whether you’re a techie or not technical at all, you’ll get a lot out of that course. Things are evolving super fast. We can do things with ChatGPT today that we couldn't do six months ago. Don’t try to learn the exact steps some AI experts is taking.

Instead, we’ll help you develop your thinking, critical skills, and creativity so that you can leverage them to make your life easier and make your work better.

Enroll now

There you have it, folks – three powerful ways to accelerate your growth and stay ahead of the curve. If you're ready to bring your ideas to market faster, build a strong foundation for your startup, or leverage AI for your marketing, I'm here to help.

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Hit reply and let me know what resonates with you, or if there's anything else I can help with.

Until next time, keep innovating!

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